Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Suggestions for Vanilla Hills

1) Attractons:                                    2) Facilities:
    - Gentle Ride                                     - Food Center
    - Crazy Golf                                      - Toilets
    - Merry-Go-Round                           - ATM
    - Dodgems                                        - Information Table

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Terry Fox - Hero Podcast

Hero Running Order

Hero Podcast

Hero Script

Running Order 2

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Project Review xD


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Running Order ^^

running order

Monday, November 14, 2011

Script !!

Worksheet 2 – Script

Title: Over Crowded Mosquito
Author(s): Kelly Anh, Davina, Alvan, Rex, Roo.

Remember – this is Radio: you need to give descriptions so the listener can imagine the scene. Use sound effects to assist in setting the scene. Below is an example script. Once you have read it, delete it and create your own.

Narrator1 = Davina     Narrator2: Rex
Victim1 = Roo            Victim2: Alvan                  Victim3: Kelly

( Music: Radio intro. )
Narrator1: 3 years after AIS started, students and teachers still complain about the AIS Mosquito Plague.

Victim3: AHHHHHHHH!!! Mosquito!!! Get off me..
(Sound effect: Mosquito Buzzing, Slapping)

Narrator2: Oh My God, Davina did you just see it? This is one of the most effecting problem of AIS.
(Effect: Bang)
Narrator2: We really have to deal with it now!

Victim1: SECURITY!! Mosquito everywhere, can you take me the racket thingy?!?
(Effect: Torture)

Victim2: I cannot reach the racket... The mosquitoes are covering my whole body!!
( Effects: Running + Screaming )

Narrator1: As you can see, the problem is getting worse. We need your help, and join .

Narrator2: Save our AIS community by going to this website. Your presence will help us alot. Thank you for listening. We wish you have a nice day.

(Sound effects: beep - out of signal)

PSA and Commercials

1. Describe the major difference between a commercial and a PSA.
- Commercials are always memorable because they're funny and PSA are unmemorable.
- Commercials are unrealistic and PSA is very serious.

- Commercials usually persuade you to buy the subject and PSA is for your own goods.

2. Name 3 things that could make a commercial or PSA "memmorable"?
- You can add in songs to make it easy to remember.
- Make it funny so the audience would notice it more.
- The lines are alright and attractive.

3. Name 2 things that are important when trying to make a commercial or a PSA  interesting when it is played on the radio.
- Sound effects and voices are important because if you don't have those on the radio, it would be boring and will not attract the audience.

Planning Worksheet ( Radio PSA )

Worksheet 1 - Plan

What is the subject of your advertisement/announcement?
Mosquito Plague( Announcement )

What is the purpose of the ad? (E.g. to educate, entertain, inform, persuade, instruct, or warn.)

Who are the intended audience for the ad?
AIS students.

List the sounds, music, effects, and voices you will use below:

E.g. (Sound: telephone ring, Music: Piano clip, Effects: echo on voice, fade out, voices: adult male voice, young girl voice)

Outside noise, Mosoquito buzzing , stepping sound, Beepppp - out of signal.

Radio intro.


Fade in, fade out, little echo delay.


Narrator: Rex + Davina.
Victims: Roo, Alvan, Kelly Anh

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Survey Result !!!! [ 0_0 ]

- After the result I found out something really strange. Everyone are curious A LOT and here is the result:
==> 1. People usually listen to pop/rap music, they listen to them from 1-5 hour a day. ♥ ( COOL right? )
        2. They like JUSTIN BIEBER :)). Also Taylor Swift and Katy Perry a lot. [ Likin Park, LMFAO... are include too ^^ ] The Beatles is the special one!! ♥
        3. I LOVE MY LIFE :)) is what they feel when they listen to their favorite signer/ band's songs. ♥
        4. A lot of girls want to hang out with JUSTIN BIEBER [ of course ^^ ♥ ].
        5. Everyone is curious and interested in ALL... [ the songs they are working on and secrets of them are the most ♥ ]

                                     ** GUESS WHAT? My story is going to be about... **
      - My story is going to be about Justin Bieber and his life!!! His relationships, songs, and SECRETS... so excited right? JUSTIN BIEBER is now not a dream anymore ^^ ♥ .

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The year i was born, there was...

- Pham Van Dong: prime minister.
-Pham Van Khoi get married in 1999.
- Manchester United won the premiere league.
- Fight Club was the famous movie in 1999.
1. All Star - Smash Mouth
2. Man! I Feel Like A Woman - Shania Twain
3. Mambo No. 5 - Lou Bega
- Casual style, such as blue jeans and the T-shirt.

How to search for information?

1: Never enter the whole question ONLY keywords. Example:
                     Where can i find a motel in SanJose?
* DON'T include the underline words.

2:  Sometimes you don't want the search engines to ignore what you type in:
                    "to be or not to be"
* Remember to include the quotes : " "

3: You want to search for:
                   hotel in Madrid with a pool.
* add + so it will be: hotel Madrid + pool.

4: You want to avoid:
                  hotel in Madrid without bar.
* add - so it will be: hotel Madrid - bad.

5: The golden rule: BE SPECIFIC.
* The more details you add the more likely it is that you'll find the page.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Do you believe this statement ?!?!

The statement is:                     All the information is reliable. 

I don't believe this statement because not all the information are true. Like this website: . This one contains information too, but the thing is they are all lies... :)) The dog island, i don't think so. Even if it's information but they are fake{spoof). Check this one out: i would say in this website, the information are reliable.

So my opinion is to not trust all the information. ^^

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bizarre facts !!! (==")

- March 14 is "Save a spider day."

- Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love.

- American women, on average, spend 55 minutes per day getting showered, dressed, and groomed.

Information Sources

- Newspaper
- Flyers
- TV
- Social Networks
- Friends
- Advertising
- Spam
- Podcasts
- Search engine
- Brochure
- Magazine
- Books: fiction, non-fiction
- Teachers
- Sights/Sounds
- Radio

Project Rubric ^^ ♥

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Go Green Presentation Teenagers ^^

Go Green Presentation Teenagers

Monday, September 12, 2011

Go Green Presentation Adult

Go Green Presentation Adult

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Comments of the Europe's weather

The webquerry is the information you want to import to your excel. It's like up-to-date. Being able to update data automatically is very important in situations where conditions change rapidly. ^^

Latest Europe's weather

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The confusing things are how to embed the google document into our blogs and learn about the function like =AVERAGE , etc...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Kelly Anh's coat of arm ^^

My Future Target in ICT

- I'm looking forward for a good year with a lot of nice works in there. I would like to study about how to design a web site, a game on my own. It was hard to me to design a game because I've never work on doing that before. This year is the first time I saw someone have done the game like Emma and Lisa who Mr. Michael has shown us in the first day at school. I will very glad to work on that and also I love games. Games are something interesting and it's not easy to do, but I would like to try my best to make it.

- There are a lot of things that I want to get. My goals for this semester with ICT are to completed every homework and made many different kind of games. I want to know more about the social network thingy and design a movie, or advertise. I didn't get to know much about excel, and now i want to study about them too.

- I wasn't really good at design things so now i really hope that I can change myself to a professional in that topic. I want my school year to have a lot of fun so i will post as many games as i can. I wasn't good at excel too. It was too complicated to me.