Saturday, November 26, 2011

Project Review xD


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Running Order ^^

running order

Monday, November 14, 2011

Script !!

Worksheet 2 – Script

Title: Over Crowded Mosquito
Author(s): Kelly Anh, Davina, Alvan, Rex, Roo.

Remember – this is Radio: you need to give descriptions so the listener can imagine the scene. Use sound effects to assist in setting the scene. Below is an example script. Once you have read it, delete it and create your own.

Narrator1 = Davina     Narrator2: Rex
Victim1 = Roo            Victim2: Alvan                  Victim3: Kelly

( Music: Radio intro. )
Narrator1: 3 years after AIS started, students and teachers still complain about the AIS Mosquito Plague.

Victim3: AHHHHHHHH!!! Mosquito!!! Get off me..
(Sound effect: Mosquito Buzzing, Slapping)

Narrator2: Oh My God, Davina did you just see it? This is one of the most effecting problem of AIS.
(Effect: Bang)
Narrator2: We really have to deal with it now!

Victim1: SECURITY!! Mosquito everywhere, can you take me the racket thingy?!?
(Effect: Torture)

Victim2: I cannot reach the racket... The mosquitoes are covering my whole body!!
( Effects: Running + Screaming )

Narrator1: As you can see, the problem is getting worse. We need your help, and join .

Narrator2: Save our AIS community by going to this website. Your presence will help us alot. Thank you for listening. We wish you have a nice day.

(Sound effects: beep - out of signal)

PSA and Commercials

1. Describe the major difference between a commercial and a PSA.
- Commercials are always memorable because they're funny and PSA are unmemorable.
- Commercials are unrealistic and PSA is very serious.

- Commercials usually persuade you to buy the subject and PSA is for your own goods.

2. Name 3 things that could make a commercial or PSA "memmorable"?
- You can add in songs to make it easy to remember.
- Make it funny so the audience would notice it more.
- The lines are alright and attractive.

3. Name 2 things that are important when trying to make a commercial or a PSA  interesting when it is played on the radio.
- Sound effects and voices are important because if you don't have those on the radio, it would be boring and will not attract the audience.

Planning Worksheet ( Radio PSA )

Worksheet 1 - Plan

What is the subject of your advertisement/announcement?
Mosquito Plague( Announcement )

What is the purpose of the ad? (E.g. to educate, entertain, inform, persuade, instruct, or warn.)

Who are the intended audience for the ad?
AIS students.

List the sounds, music, effects, and voices you will use below:

E.g. (Sound: telephone ring, Music: Piano clip, Effects: echo on voice, fade out, voices: adult male voice, young girl voice)

Outside noise, Mosoquito buzzing , stepping sound, Beepppp - out of signal.

Radio intro.


Fade in, fade out, little echo delay.


Narrator: Rex + Davina.
Victims: Roo, Alvan, Kelly Anh